Mary Tyler Moore is an American tv sitcom premiered on September 19, 1970 at CBS and was created by the team of James Brooks and Allan Burns. It is one of the most popular and acclaimed sitcoms of the seventies in the US. The show follows the lives and trials of Mary Tyler Moore, a 30 year old woman, who had just a break up with his boyfriend and moved to Minneapolis determined to "make it on her own." She found a job as an associate producer for the news broadcast on WJM-TV and she began her life as an independent woman.
She found a "family" among her co-workers and her neighbors. Among these were Lou Grant, the crusty news director and her boss, Murray Slaughter, the cynical news writer, Ted Baxter, the supercilious anchorman, and, later, Sue Ann Nivens, the man-hungry "Happy Homemaker." She shares her apartment house to her best friend,Rhoda Morgenstern, and their shallow landlady, Phyllis Lindstrom.
Mary still hoping for romance, however she realize that her friends are more dependable than anyone else. Mary never rejected men as romantic objects or denied her hopes to one day be married. She did not define her life through her search for "Mr. Right." Rather, she dated several men and even spent the night with a few of them. Mary Tyler Moore
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